Ny Aina

RAJAONARIVELO Rija Ny Aina is a girl who was born on March 9, 2000. She is often a shy girl. At first everyone thinks that, but once they know her better, they know she’s very talkative. She loves telling funny stories. Seeing others being happy really makes her happy. She is short. She has black hair. Her dream is to become an architect and an author. She really enjoys reading books, especially books about romance and adventure. She likes wearing boots. Her favorite colors are black and purple. She listens to music everyday, her favorite kind is pop rock. She is open-minded and she has the ability to understand others easily. Being a member of LIME is a great opportunity for her. She is glad to know all these fabulous people. She’ll miss them and will work hard and go to the U.S.

Categories: LIME 6


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