
Major: Biology

Minor: Spanish

From: Kumasi, Ghana

Matthew is a Ghanaian currently majoring in Biology at Lafayette College. Though he shares the dream of a medical career, Matthew has always demonstrated a passion for teaching and helping students. Before coming to Lafayette, Matthew took a gap year during which he taught at an SAT Test Prep in his home city, helping students in preparing to ace the SAT and applying to US colleges.  Matthew is currently working as a Teaching Assistant for the HHMI Sea-Phages program for the 2016/2017 academic year at Lafayette College, where he gets to help first year prospective Biology majors in isolating and sequencing phage DNA.
Matthew likes to play soccer and is a member of the Lafayette Men’s Club Soccer team. Matthew is very excited to be a LIME mentor, and is eager to work with the Malagasy students, and share with them his knowledge and experiences during his year and half as a student at Lafayette.

Categories: The 2017 Team


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