
I am eighteen years old. I’m a student at the Lycee Andohalo Antananarivo (L.A.A). I have two brothers and no sisters. Unfortunately, my father died last year. I’m a simple girl who has dreams and goals just like everyone else; but, my dreams are important in my life. I want to be a singer because I love singing. I want to be a good person too. My dream is also to study in the U.S. I want to be a teacher and a doctor. These are my goals because I want to help people, to have knowledge, to make others happy. I like eating, playing basketball, watching TV, and because it shows happiness. I hate fighting and I hate falling in love because it makes life complicated. I’m also a girl who beats around the bush. I am fickle and change friends almost every year but like that because it changes the environment that surrounds me.

Categories: LIME 6


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