
Major: Sociology /Anthropology and International Affairs

From: Antananarivo, Madagascar

She was one of the lucky Malagasy students from Andohalo High school who could participate in LIME. And is now an Excel researcher at Lafayette College.

Since she has been at Lafayette, she is involved in many clubs for her to integrate in the “Cur non” community. She volunteers with children in Easton are as well times to times. For her it is more than just spending time with them; it is both for her to share her culture and also learn from those children.

She wants to participate in LIME this year , because she is eager to share her experiences as being in those Malagasy student’s shoes herself just about a year ago. Also she wants to motivate those students that going to the US in more than just a dream; it may be realized if “they have the fire in their belly” and work hard.

A fun fact about her: she can find happiness out everything even during the most unexpected moment of life. Collecting coins, putting them in the vending machine and actually getting a soda or an energy bar is one of her favorite moment in the US.

Categories: The 2016 Team