
Hi!  My name is Dan Dymecki and I am a member of the class of 2016.  I am from Wellesley, Massachusetts, which happens to be the halfway point for the Boston Marathon.  I am an Anthropology and Sociology major currently pursuing an Economics minor.  I am an executive member of the club Colleges Against Cancer, which hosts the Relay for Life every spring at Lafayette College.  I am also employed through the Recreation Services Department as a supervisor to entry- level employees.   None of these experiences have quite been like my experience of traveling to Madagascar however.  The memories I share with my fellow mentors and mentees are irreplaceable.  Working with the students from Lycee Andohalo surpassed all of my expectations and these students continue to impress me through their work, drive and compassion.  Please help us continue to strengthen and grow this program through support and donations!

Categories: The 2015 team