
Copies of all our publications are freely accessible here. If you cannot access any of our publications, send a note to prabhur at lafayette dot edu.

Ongoing Projects: Sustainable Design (SD), Design Cognition (DC), Social Identity (SI), Community-Based Research (CBR), and Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)

Book Chapters

  1. Prabhu, R. and Simpson, T. W. (2025). “Teaching Design for Additive Manufacturing to Balance Creativity and DfAM Use in Designs,” Additive Manufacturing Teaching and Training Case Studies. [DfAM]

Journal Articles

Under Review and In Preparation (Preprints available upon request)

  1. Alsager Alzayed, M., Starkey, E. M., Ritter, S. C., and Prabhu, R. (Under Review). “Can Creative Evaluation Encourage Sustainable Design? Investigating the Effects of Creativity and Sustainability-Focused Evaluation Stimuli on Engineering Design Outcomes”. [SD]
  2. Brown, E. and Prabhu, R. (Under Review). “Looking Within: Exploring the Effects of Social Identity-Based Reflection on Designers’ Problem Framing Behavior”. [SI]
  3. Alsager Alzayed, M., Starkey, E. M., Ritter, S. C., and Prabhu R. (Under Review). “Investigating the Influence of Trait Empathy and Attitudes Towards Sustainability on the Accuracy of Concept Evaluations in Sustainable Design“. [SD]
  4. Greeley, J., Mastroly, E., Alsager Alzayed, M., Starkey, E. M., Ritter, S. C., and Prabhu, R. (Under Review). “Are Creative Solutions Also Environmentally Sustainable? Investigating the Relationship between the Creativity and Environmental Sustainability of Engineering Design Solutions“. [SD]
  5. McCauley, J., Campopiano, H., Utter, B., Hummel, S., and Prabhu R. (In Preparation). “Investigating the Effectiveness of Layer Reheating to Improve the Tensile Strength of Paused FDM Parts”. [DfAM]
  6. Kimball, R. and Prabhu, R. (In Preparation). “Looking Around: Comparing Eye Tracking Metrics among Designers With and Without ADHD during Convergent and Divergent Thinking Tasks”. [DC]
  7. Halpern, M., Zilberstein, M., Kimball, R. and Prabhu, R. (In Preparation). “Creatively (Neuro) Divergent: Comparing Creative Performance among Designers With and Without ADHD in Design and Non-Design Tasks”. [DC]


  1. Nguyen, T. and Prabhu, R. (2025). “The ACT-ON Ideas Framework: A Contingency Perspective on Creative Self-Regulation,” The Journal of Creative Behavior. [][DC]
  2. Cass, M., and Prabhu, R. (2025). “Looking Beyond Self-Reported Cognitive Load: Investigating the Use of Eye Tracking in the Study of Cognitive Load in Engineering Design,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design (Special Issue on Design by Data: Cultivating Datasets for Engineering Design). [] [DC]
  3. Prabhu R., Herzog, J., Fodale, R., Alsager Alzayed, M., and Starkey, E. M. (2025). “Feeling The Distance: Exploring Novice Student Designers’ Perceptions of the Psychological Distance and Empathic Response Towards Variations of a Sustainable Design Problem,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. [] [SD]
  4. Powell, A., Mann, A. K., Rossmann, J. S., and Prabhu, R. (2024). “Making Design Moves: Exploring the Relationship between Gender, Self-Efficacy, and Design Moves in Collaborative Ideation,” The Journal of Creative Behavior. [] [SI]
  5. Prabhu, R. and Cass, M. (2024). “Sketch, CAD, or Simulate the Build? Exploring Novice Designers’ Design Representation Use in Design for Additive Manufacturing,” International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation. [] [DfAM]
  6. Prabhu, R., Simpson, T. W., Miller, S. R., and Meisel, N. A. (2023).  “Break It Down: Comparing the Effects of Lecture- And Module-Style Design for Additive Manufacturing Educational Interventions on Student Designers’ Learning and Creativity,” International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation. [] [DfAM]
  7. Prabhu, R., Alsager Alzayed, M., and Starkey, E. M. (2023). “Not Good Enough? Exploring Relationships between Students’ Trait Empathy, their Beliefs, Attitudes, and Intentions towards Sustainability, and the Self-Evaluated Sustainability of Their Solutions,” Journal of Mechanical Design (Special Issue on Emerging Technologies and Methods for Early-Stage Product Design and Development). [] [SD]
  8. Prabhu R., Alsager Alzayed, M., and Starkey, E. M.  (2023). “Feeling the Heat: Investigating the Influence of Novice Designers’ Trait Empathy, and their Beliefs, Attitudes, and Intentions Towards Sustainability on their Identification of Problem Requirements,” Research in Engineering Design. [] [SD]
  9. Alsager Alzayed, M., Starkey, E. M., and Prabhu, R. (2023). “Exploring the Effects of Variations in the Timing of a Sustainable Design Educational Intervention,” International Journal of Engineering Education (Special Issue on Mould Breaking Responses to the Unprecedented Challenges in Engineering Education). [] [SD]
  10. Prabhu, R., Simpson, T. W., Miller, S. R., and Meisel, N. A. (2023). “Teaching Design for Additive Manufacturing: Formulating Educational Interventions that Encourage Design Creativity,” 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Journal. [][DfAM]
  11. Prabhu, R., Simpson, T. W., Miller, S. R., and Meisel, N. A. (2022). “Development and Validity Evidence Investigation of a Design for Additive Manufacturing Self-Efficacy Scale,” Research in Engineering Design. [][DfAM]
  12. Prabhu, R., Simpson, T. W., Miller, S. R., and Meisel, N. A. (2022). “Mastering Manufacturing: Exploring Effects of Engineering Designers’ Prior Experience on Design for Additive Manufacturing Use,” Journal of Engineering Design. [][DfAM]
  13. Prabhu, R., Berthel, J. T., Masia, J. S., Meisel, N.A., and Simpson, T. W. (2022). “Rapid Response! Investigating the Effects of Problem Definition on the Characteristics of Additively Manufactured Solutions for COVID-19,” Journal of Mechanical Design. [][DfAM]
  14. Prabhu R., Starkey, E. M., and Alsager Alzayed, M. (2022). “Exploring the Relationship Between Students’ Trait Empathy, their Attitudes towards Sustainability, and Their Reflections on a Workshop on Sustainable Design,” International Journal of Engineering Education (Special Issue on Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability in Engineering Education). [][SD]
  15. Prabhu, R., Masia, J. S., Berthel, J. T., Meisel, N.A., and Simpson, T. W.  (2021). “Maximizing Design Potential: Investigating the Effects of Utilizing Opportunistic and Restrictive Design for Additive Manufacturing in Rapid Response Solutions,” Rapid Prototyping Journal. [][DfAM]
  16. Prabhu, R., Masia, J. S., Berthel, J. T., Meisel, N.A., and Simpson, T. W. (2021). “Design and Manufacturability Data on Additively Manufactured Solutions for COVID-19,” Data in Brief. [][DfAM]
  17. Prabhu, R., Leguarda, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2021). “Favoring Complexity: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Factors that Influence Concept Selection when Designing for Additive Manufacturing,” Journal of Mechanical Design. [][DfAM]
  18. Prabhu, R., Simpson, T. W., Miller, S. R., and Meisel, N. A. (2021). “Fresh in My Mind! Investigating the Effects of the Order of Presenting Opportunistic and Restrictive Design for Additive Manufacturing Content on Students’ Creativity,” Journal of Engineering Design. [][DfAM]
  19. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2020). “Built to Win? Exploring the Role of Competitive Environments on Students’ Creativity in Design for Additive Manufacturing Tasks,” Journal of Engineering Design. [][DfAM]
  20. Prabhu, R., Bracken, J., Armstrong, C., Jablokow, K., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2020). “Additive Creativity: Investigating the Use of Design for Additive Manufacturing to Encourage Creativity in the Engineering Design Industry,” International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation – Awarded Distinguished Paper of the Volume/Year. [][DfAM]
  21. Bracken, J., Pomorski, T., Armstrong, C., Prabhu, R., Simpson, T. W., Jablokow, K., Cleary, W., and Meisel, N. A. (2020). “Design for Metal Powder Bed Fusion: The Geometry for Additive Part Selection (GAPS) Worksheet,” Additive Manufacturing Journal. [][DfAM]
  22. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2020). “But Will It Build? Assessing Student Engineering Designers’ Use of Design for Additive Manufacturing Considerations in Design Outcomes,” Journal of Mechanical Design. [][DfAM]
  23. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2020). “Teaching Design Freedom: Understanding the Effects of Variations in Design for Additive Manufacturing Education on Students’ Creativity,” Journal of Mechanical Design. [][DfAM]
  24. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2020). “Complex Solutions for Complex Problems? Exploring the Role of Task Complexity on Learning, Design for Additive Manufacturing Use, and Creativity,” Journal of Mechanical Design – Invited for submission to the IDETC special edition. [][DfAM]
  25. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2020). “Exploring the Effects of Integrating Additive Manufacturing Education on Students’ Engineering Design Process and its Outcomes,” Journal of Mechanical Design. [][DfAM]
  26. Chen, H., Sonntag, C. C., Pepley, D. F., Prabhu, R., Han, D. C., Moore, J. Z., and Miller, S. R. (2019). “Looks Can Be Deceiving: Gaze Pattern Differences during Placement of Central Lines,” The American Journal of Surgery. []
  27. Chen, H., Yovanoff M. A., Pepley, D. F., Prabhu, R., Sonntag, C. C., Han, D. C., Moore, J. Z., and Miller, S. R. (2019). “Evaluating Surgical Resident Needle Insertion Skill Gains in Ventral Venous Catheterization Training,” Journal of Surgical Research. []
  28. Pepley, D. F, Sonntag, C. C., Prabhu, R., Yovanoff, M. A, Han, D. C., Miller, S. R., and Moore, J. Z. (2018). “Building Ultrasound Phantoms with Modified Polyvinyl Chloride,” Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. []

Conference Papers


  1. Kimball, R. and Prabhu, R. (2025). “Looking Around: Comparing Saccades and Fixations among Designers With and Without ADHD,” 2025 International Conference on Engineering Design. [DC]
  2. Brown, E. and Prabhu, R. (2025). “How Well Can We Reflect? Examining the Quality and Content of Designers’ Reflections on Social Identity,” 2025 International Conference on Engineering Design. [SI]
  3. Alsager Alzayed, M., Starkey, E. M., Ritter, S. C., and Prabhu, R. (2024). “Sustaining Creatively? Investigating the Effects of Creativity and Sustainability-Focused Evaluation Criteria in Design Tasks,” ASME 2024 Design Education Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference. [] [SD]
  4. Kimball, R. and Prabhu, R. (2024). “Thinking Divergently: Exploring the Effects of ADHD on Design Creativity and Cognitive Load,” 2024 Design Computing and Cognition Conference. [] [DC]
  5. Brown, E. and Prabhu, R. (2024). “Looking Within: Exploring the Effects of Social Identity-Based Reflection on Designers’ Problem Framing Behavior,” 2024 Design Computing and Cognition Conference. [] [SI]
  6. Cass, M. and Prabhu, R. (2023). “Looking Beyond Self-Reported Cognitive Load: Investigating the Use of Eye Tracking in the Study of Design Representations in Engineering Design,” Proceedings of the Design Society: 2023 International Conference on Engineering Design. [] [DC]
  7. Herzog, J., Fodale, R., Alsager Alzayed, M., Starkey, E. M., and Prabhu R. (2023). “Problem Framing and Student Designers’ Perceptions in Sustainable Design,” ASME 2023 Design Theory and Methodology Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference. [] [SD]
  8. Prabhu, R. and Cass, M. (2023). “Should I Sketch or Should I CAD? Exploring Design Representation Strategies in Design for Additive Manufacturing Tasks,” ASME 2023 Design Automation Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference. [] [DfAM]
  9. Alsager Alzayed, M., Starkey, E. M., and Prabhu, R. (2022). “Now Is the Time! Exploring the Effects of Variations in the Timing of a Sustainable Design Educational Intervention,” ASME 2022 Design Education Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. [][SD]
  10. Alsager Alzayed, M., Starkey, E. M., Ritter, S. C., and Prabhu R. (2022). “Am I Right? Investigating the Influence of Trait Empathy and Attitudes Towards Sustainability on the Accuracy of Concept Evaluations in Sustainable Design,” ASME 2022 Design Automation Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. [][SD]
  11. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2021). “Break It Down: Comparing the Effects of Lecture- and Module-Style Design for Additive Manufacturing Educational Interventions on Students’ Learning and Creativity,” ASME 2021 Design Education Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering ConferenceShortlisted for Best Paper Award. [][DfAM]
  12. Prabhu, R., Alsager Alzayed, M., and Starkey, E. M. (2021). “Not Good Enough? Exploring Relationships Between Students’ Empathy, Their Attitudes Towards Sustainability and the Self-Perceived Sustainability of Their Solutions,” ASME 2021 Design Education Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. [] [SD]
  13. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2021). “Mastering Manufacturing: Comparing the Effects of Designers’ Prior Experience when Designing for Additive Manufacturing,” ASME 2021 Design Automation Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. [][DfAM]
  14. Prabhu, R., Alsager Alzayed, M., and Starkey, E. M. (2021). “Feeling the Heat! Exploring the Influence of Students’ Empathy and Attitudes Towards Sustainability on Their Identification of Problem Requirements,” ASME 2021 Design Automation Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. [] [SD]
  15. Prabhu, R., Alsager Alzayed, M., and Starkey, E. M. (2021). “Student reflections on sustainability and empathy: the outcomes of a sustainability workshop in first-year design courses,” ASEE 2021 Annual Conference – Design in Engineering Education Division. [] [SD]
  16. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2020). “Fresh in My Mind! Investigating the Effects of the Order of Presenting Opportunistic and Restrictive Design for Additive Manufacturing Content on Creativity,” ASME 2020 Design Education Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering ConferenceShortlisted for Best Paper Award. [][DfAM]
  17. Prabhu, R., Leguarda, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2020). “Favoring Complexity: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Factors that Influence Concept Selection in Design for Additive Manufacturing,” ASME 2020 Design Automation Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. [][DfAM]
  18. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2019). “Complex Solutions for Complex Problems? Exploring the Effects of Task Complexity on Student Use of Design for Additive Manufacturing and Creativity,” ASME 2019 Design Education Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering ConferenceAwarded Best Paper. [][DfAM]
  19. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2019). “But Will It Print? Assessing Student Use of Design for Additive Manufacturing and Exploring Its Effect on Design Performance,” ASME 2019 Design Automation Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. [][DfAM]
  20. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2018). “Teaching Design Freedom: Exploring the Effects of Design for Additive Manufacturing Education on Components of Creativity,” ASME 2018 Design Education Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. [][DfAM]
  21. Prabhu, R., Miller, S. R., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (2018). “The Earlier the Better? Investigating the Importance of Timing on Effectiveness of Design for Additive Manufacturing Education,” ASME 2018 Design Automation Conference at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. [][DfAM]