JAPN 112 Intermediate Japanese

Spring, 2024

CLASS TIMES:          MWF 10:35am – 11:25am (Main class) at Pardee 112

INSTRUCTOR:          Naoko Ikegami           ikegamin@lafayette.edu
OFFICE:                    Pardee 406 x5960
OFFICE HOURS:       Wednesdays 8:00am – 9:00am and 11:30am – Noon                        TA:                            Yuko Tanaka              tanakay@lafayette.edu

TEXTBOOKS:           An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese GenkiⅡ
                                An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese GenkiⅡ Workbook
                                The Japan Times (http://genki.japantimes.co.jp/self/self.en.html)

                                  Audio materials (available at Foreign Lang & Lit Resource Center)

Course Description:

Review and expansion of basic grammar and vocabulary. Short literary and cultural readings. Attention to developing reading and conversational skills and a deeper understanding of the culture of Japan. Improvement three modes of communications (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational) to cultivate overall Japanese language ability. Development of social and ritual exchanges as well as casual speech.

 Student Learning Outcomes:

The focus of Intermediate Japanese 112 is both linguistic and cultural. This semester students will master Lessons 19-23 in An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Genki. They will continue to learn grammatical patterns, useful expressions, and about 80 more Kanji as in previous semesters. They also will learn to use honorific verbs and expressions, determine politeness levels and articulate modest or humble expressions accordingly.

Moreover, they utilize causative, passive and causative-passive voices to express the deeper feelings between human relations, which is especially important in Japanese society because Japanese itself is not an explicit language and listeners need to read people’s hidden emotions. In this way, students will be able to construct longer sentences and conduct everyday conversations. In this way, students will be able to construct longer sentences and conduct everyday conversations that include a routine complication.

At the end of the semester students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate broad knowledge of Japanese communities, values, behaviors, and customs.
  • Examine how their personal attitudes and beliefs are different from those of other cultures and communities.
  • Employ culturally appropriate expressions when interacting with native speakers.
  • Produce the language skills necessary to interact in everyday situations that involve a routine complication (ex. code switching from casual to honorific speech).
  • Interpret familiar words, phrases, sentences, and cultural themes in a variety of authentic texts (newspapers, cinema, art, music, literary extracts).
  • Practice using primary (oral or written) sources in the target language.
  • All information (course schedule, course syllabus and lesson schedule, and activity information etc.) is on Moodle (http://moodle.lafayette.edu/); so, you should visit the course Moodle site every time you prepare for class. Ignorance of a scheduled quiz or test is not an acceptable excuse.
  • For a project the students will produce a “Cool Japan” presentation. The details will be informed later.
  • There will be a 50-minute test after each lesson and there will also be two oral tests during the semester (midterm and final).
  • There will be no final exam in May.
  • Lesson homework should be submitted by the date of its corresponding lesson test. No late homework will be accepted.
  • Copying, or cutting and pasting, from answer keys to complete homework is a form of academic dishonestly. See the student handbook for college policies dealing with academic dishonestly.

 Intermediate Japanese and the Common Course of Study:

Students who successfully complete Intermediate Japanese 112 can count the course toward one of the Humanities Requirements in the Common Course of Study. Students who successfully complete both Intermediate Japanese 111 and Intermediate Japanese 112 will be able to fulfill Global/Multicultural Requirement #2 in the Common Course of Study.

Attendance Policy:

Arriving late or unprepared, or missing class meetings (including events scheduled outside class) will adversely affect your final grade; exceptions are only made if you receive an official excuse from your dean. You must notify me in advance if you will miss class, and you must come to the following class fully prepared to participate.

Moodle Privacy Statement:

Moodle is a virtual learning environment that has become very popular among educators around the world as a tool for creating online dynamic web sites for students.  You and your classmates are currently enrolled to use the site for JAPN 112.  Moodle contains student information that is protected by the Family Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA).  Disclosure to unauthorized parties violates federal privacy laws.  Courses using Moodle will make student information visible to other students in this class.  Please remember that this information is protected by these federal privacy laws and must not be shared with anyone outside the class. Questions can be referred to the Registrar’s Office.

 Federal Credit Hour Regulations:

The student work in this course is in full compliance with the federal definition of a four-credit hour course.  Please see the Lafayette College Compliance webpage for the full policy and practice statement. 

Disability Statement:

In compliance with Lafayette College policy and equal access laws, I am available to discuss appropriate academic accommodations that you may require as a student with a disability.  Requests for academic accommodations need to be made during the first two weeks of the semester, except for unusual circumstances, so arrangements can be made.  Students must register with the Office of the Dean of the College for disability verification and for determination of reasonable academic accommodations.

Academic Integrity:

According to the Student Code of Conduct (Student Handbook): “To maintain the scholarly standards of the College and, equally important, the personal ethical standards of our students, it is essential that written assignments be a student’s own work, just as is expected in examinations and class participation. A student who commits academic dishonesty is subject to a range of penalties, including suspension or expulsion. Finally, the underlying principle is one of intellectual honesty. If a person is to have self-respect and the respect of others, all work must be his/her own.”



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