All posts by David Cress

Armor of the Qajar Dynasty


  • Object: Indo-Persian Armour
    • Created during the Qajar Period
      • 1840-1860
    • Culture: Islam
    • Period in which Iran underwent many wars w/ Imperial Russia

Plan to discuss turbulent and progressive times of the Qajar empire, their  connection between Indian and Persian empires, relations with Imperial Russia, how advanced the indo-Persian armory was in respect to other empires of the time



“Antique 18th century Indo Persian Shield Armor Islamic” Hundred & One Antiques. TROCADERO,. n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2015



“History of Iran – Qajar Dynasty”. Iran Chamber Society. Iran Chamber Society.,n.d. Web 24 Mar. 2015.




“Indo-Persian Armor.” BBC News – The British Museum – A History of the World. BBC, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2015. <>.



“Qajar Dynasty.” Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., n.d., Web. 24 Mar. 2015. <>


Szczepanski, Kelly. “What was the Qajar Dynasty?” About Education. About.Com. n.d. Web 24 Mar. 2015. <>


Shelfie – Dave Cress

Photo on 4-20-15 at 3.40 PM #2


Germany 1918-1945 – From days of Hope to Years of Horror



Newton, Douglas J. Germany 1918-1945: From Days of Hope to Years of Horror. Melbourne: Collins Dove, 1990. Print.





I found the book just by walking through the shelves upstairs in the Library. I didn’t use the library catalog, as I was just searching for anything I thought would apply to our current unit of study. The aspect of the book that caught my eye was the big ‘Germany’ on the cover as well as the fact that the dates covered in the book are the same dates covered in our current unit. 1918-1945. As Germany was also the leading reason of international discourse during this the time, I believed getting a book that centered around Germany, would be beneficial due to the fact that we could better understand Germany’s Repertoires of Power, their intersections with other governments at the time, their uses of intermediaries, and the imperial imaginaries that lead Germany to becoming the Third Reich. The book discusses the days of hope in the Weimar years, includes a picture essay regarding the invasion of the Ruhr. The book goes in depth about the experience of Nazism, including the economics, the imposition of dictatorship, and the social life in the Third Reich. Finally the book ends with another picture essay about The Hitler Youth and Posters and Artwork of the Crisis years. In this section Douglas Newton discusses German communication of the era, Nazi foreign policy, the premature war (Prague Crisis), the escalation of Horror, as well as the New Order. This book is particularly effective because it goes in depth about Germany life at the time using primary and secondary sources, as well as discussing all nations that had interactions with Germany at the time. The book discusses propaganda, military strategy, social living, and the many political imaginaries of the time.

Dave Cress Shelfie #1


Conflicts of Empires is a text relative to our course due to the fat that it goes far in depth into the relations of multiple empires from the time of 1585-1713. Although I noticed that the book focused mainly on European empires and their relations to the economy at the time and to other facets of life, the book still pertains to our class because it would allow any student to see the inner workings and disputes behind the major events we discuss in class. The book discusses art and diplomacy in Europe, Amsterdam and the stock exchange, the Jews of Spain, and propaganda in the makings of the glorious revolution. Almost every facet of life that an empire is in control of is talked about in this book. Although focusing on European empires is not all our class does, this book provides more background information over the European empires that we discuss. Just because other continental empires are not discussed shouldn’t matter since this book would add to our knowledge of an essential part of the course. The terms I used to find the book was ‘empires’. As conflict is one of the foremost topics we discuss in class I figured Conflicts of Empires would be a good fit.



Photo on 2-17-15 at 8.36 PM #2