All posts by Wataru Ando

Trans Siberian Railway Egg Podcast By Wataru Ando


Trans Siberian Railway Egg was made by Peter Carl Faberge’s firm in 1900 as a gift from the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II to his wife Alexandra for Easter of 1900. It can be found at the Kremlin Armory Museum in Moscow.


Lowes, Will, and Christel Ludewig McCanless. Fabergé Eggs: A Retrospective Encyclopedia. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2001. Print.

“History of the Trans Siberian Railway.” Trans Siberian Express. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. <>.

“The World of Faberge.” Moscow Kremlin Museums. Web. 30 Mar. 2015. <>.

“Trans-Siberian Railroad”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2015. Web. 30 Mar. 2015

Intro Music Bari3 Republic Edited Version. Tamaya 2060%, 2014. MP3.

Ending Music

Eri Sugai. I’ll Be There. Katsuo Ohno, 1999. MP3.

Wataru Ando Shelfie 2


Dirks, Nicholas B. The Scandal of Empire: India and the Creation of Imperial Britain. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap of Harvard UP, 2006. Print.


From the chapters about colonization we learned in class, I had become very interested in the colonization of India by the British Empire. Therefore, for this Shelfie assignment, I wanted to look up a book on colonization of India. So, in order to look for my book, I accessed the Lafayette Library website, and under OneSearch, I typed in the words “colonization of India”. This search first came up with almost 4000 results, so I narrowed my search by searching only for books, which came up with about 200 books. My book, “The Scandal of the Empire”, caught my eye because from the title, it seemed like a very interesting book. This book seems to not focus on how the East India Company gained control of India as we had learned in a broader concept, but on one particular trial that had happened during the colonization, the impeachment and trial of Warren Hastings, and how this “scandal” eventually led to the British government creating the idea of “civilizing” India. Also, this book’s chapters seem to not be written in a chronological order, but written according to different ideas such as corruption, economy, sovereignty, and tradition, with a quote that is related to the topic in the beginning of each chapter. Furthermore, this book contains some illustrations, most of which are related to the trial of Warren Hastings. Most of the books around my book were about colonization of India, but there was one large series of books titled “The Transfer of Power 1942-1947”, which had 12 volumes and seemed to have over a 1000 pages per volume. Overall, I enjoyed doing this assignment again not just because it refreshed knowledge of the previous chapters but also because I was able to learn a new fact about the previous chapters.

Wataru Ando Shelfie #1


Hawthorne, Walter. From Africa to Brazil: Culture, Identity, and an Atlantic Slave Trade, 1600-1830. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2010. Print.

In order to look for my book, I accessed the Skillman Library website and in OneSearch, I looked up the words “slave”, “trade”, and “Africa”. The topic on slave trade between the Africans and the Europeans in South America from the last chapter was very interesting to me, as I did not know that many aristocrats in Africa were supportive of slavery. After the search, I came up with over 1200 books. I then added the year “1600” to the search, because that was the time that Spaniards and the Portuguese grew a larger demand for slavery. This came up with my book From Africa to Brazil: Culture, Identity, and an Atlantic Slave Trade by Walter Hawthorne, which caught my eye because it perfectly fit with what I wanted to look for. This book seems be broken into two main parts. The first part talks mainly about the process on which how and why enslavement occurred in Upper Guinea sent to Brazil. The second part of the book talks about the change and the continuity of each culture due to the slave trade. This book also focuses on lives individual slaves, giving accounts of real slaves according to their records. Many of the adjacent books had the same key words “slavery” or “slave” in their titles, and one of them was a four-volume book with the title The British Transatlantic Slave Trade. This assignment was very fun and helpful, as I had never looked for a book in the Skillman Library before and I learned how to utilize the Skillman Library website.