David Goldstein Shelfie 2


For this selfie assignment, I decided to look for a book on World War I. I wanted to find a book that told a personal story, that did not simply include facts and summaries about the war. While searching, I came across the book Through Blood and Ice by Ferenc Imrey. Imrey was a Hungarian artist and professor who became a member of the Austria-Hungarian army when the war broke out. While fighting the Russians for Austria-Hungary, he was captured and imprisoned in Siberia. He was a prisoner of war before, during, and after the Bolshevik Revolution. He was ultimately able to escape from the camp and travelled through Siberia and China. I feel that this perspective of the war is interesting, as its seems that students in America mostly look at the allied side of the conflict. It also feels unique to get a perspective of the war by not only a man from the Austria-Hungarian Empire, but from an artist. Surrounding the book were more books regarding the war from the perspective of Russia and Austria-Hungary.

Imrey, Ferenc. Through Blood and Ice. First Edition ed. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1930. Print.

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