Michaela Tummings Shelfie #1

Charity and power in early modern Italy

Cavallo, Sandra. Charity and Power in Early Modern Italy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995. Print.

I searched the terms “charity” and “Italy” to find my book. The book discusses the themes that were also discussed the Epidemics chapter that we read such as civic charity, religious charity, and responses to the plague. I was drawn to this book because it gave a more in depth look at a topic that we only briefly covered in class. This book expands its focus past religious and state mandated charity into themes like motivations for charity and charity and gender and is organized thematically, which I found helpful. I thought the illustrations and images spread throughout the book, which vary from images of first hand sources to graphs and charts, to be a refreshing way of presenting information pertaining to this specific topic.


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