Emma Sherry: There are no known pictures of the actual Peacock Throne because it was lost in the eighteenth century. However, Shah Jahan is often depicted sitting upon the throne in many paintings, including in the portraits shown above.
First painting: http://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/taj_mahal/tlevel_1/t7_reign.html
Second painting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peacock_Throne#mediaviewer/File:Shah_Jahan_op_de_pauwentroon.jpg
Josh Radack, Bolas from the National Museum of the American Indian, Link: http://www.nmai.si.edu/searchcollections/item.aspx?regid=2609&irn=197379
Thomas Martin, One of the forty eight original copies of the Gutenberg Bible that was printed. This specific copy is located in the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.
Peter Todaro, My podcast focuses on a first edition copy of the Communist Manifesto recently purchased by the British Library. I examine the social, political and economic context of the object and the two men that created it, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.