Current Courses (Fall 2024)
- MATH 186: Applied Statistics (Two Sections)
- MATH 110: Statistical Concepts
Previous Courses
Lafayette College
- MATH 272: Linear Algebra with Applications (Spring 2024)
- MATH 186: Applied Statistics (Spring 2024)
- MATH 162: Calculus II (Fall 2023)
- MATH 125: Modeling and Differential Calculus (Fall 2023)
- MATH 162: Calculus II (Spring 2023)
- MATH 125: Modeling and Differential Calculus (Spring 2023)
- MATH 345: Complex Analysis (Fall 2022)
- MATH 161: Calculus I (Fall 2022)
- MATH 186: Applied Statistics (Spring 2022)
- MATH 263: Calculus III (Spring 2022)
- MATH 161: Calculus I (Fall 2021)
- MATH 263: Calculus III (Fall 2021)
- MATH 272: Linear Algebra with Applications (Spring 2021)
- MATH 162: Calculus II (Spring 2021)
- MATH 161: Calculus I (Fall 2020)
University of Oregon
- MATH 317: Mathematical Analysis II (Spring 2020)
- MATH 316: Mathematical Analysis I (Spring 2020)
- MATH 317: Mathematical Analysis II (Winter 2020)
- MATH 316: Mathematical Analysis I (Fall 2019)
- MATH 231: Discrete Mathematics II (Spring 2019)
- MATH 341: Linear Algebra I (Winter 2019)
- MATH 316: Mathematical Analysis I (Winter 2019)
- MATH 691: Morse Theory (graduate-level course, Fall 2018)
- MATH 231: Discrete Mathematics I (Spring 2018)
- MATH 256: Differential Equations (Spring 2018)
- MATH 256: Differential Equations (Winter 2018)
- MATH 251: Calculus I (Fall 2017)
University of Southern Denmark
- Introduction to Generalized Linear Models (Spring 2017)
- Introduction to Generalized Linear Models (Winter 2017)
- Reading Seminar in Algebraic Topology (Spring 2016)
- Algebra 2: Introduction to Rings and Groups (Winter 2016)
- Vector Calculus (Winter 2016)
- Probability and Statistics (Fall 2015)
- Algebra 2: Introduction to Rings and Groups (Spring 2015)
University of Copenhagen (Teaching Assistant)
- General Topology (Winter 2013)
- General Topology (Winter 2012)
- Analysis II: Introduction to Hilbert Spaces (Fall 2010)