Author: Tessema Haskins

Nonviolent communication/ Meditation Personal project

The last step of my project is to continue in the direction i’m headed in. I have learned a lot during my journey and I think I have all the mental tools needed to be effective,in due time.  With the end of the physical project near, I will continue to meditate throughout the rest of the school year to relax and decompress from the day, think about how I can better my nonviolent mindset. Through meditation, I have had a clearer mind and can focus of the things that are important in moving forward with the end goal of my project and school work in general. It was through meditational practices that I thought of ways to nonviolently communicate better.

I have discovered that there is a way to communicate that insures no one is offended by what you say. Further more, I have found that offeering an observation is more efficient than phrases of accusation, especially when something needs to change for the better.  There is a problem on the football team that is “hidden” and not talked about, but encouraged to change. I cannot guarantee that it will change within a year of the start of the project because of adversity faced this semester, but I can guarantee that it will change! A collective conversation will be had, and the first phase to my project was building a relationship with those on the team on a personal level first. Second, making observations of the many things that need to be addressed, and the conversations and actions will be the third and and forth steps to this project. The work has only begun, I am grateful that I had the chance to begin this project. I am excited to see where it goes and all the new things Lafayette Football will be able to accomplish because of nonviolent forms of communication.

Nonviolent communication/ Meditating Personal Project #4

While meditating about positive thoughts, I came to the conclusion that nonviolence in practice is a mindset that one has to have. Meditating has helped me form the mindset to stick to the ultimate goal of the project. To impact those one the team to provoke them to want to win games and dominate. Unfortunate for football players, but fortunate for this project it  had to be in a positive way. It has been difficult adapting to the nonviolent side of the practice, with football being the vessel, due to the violent nature of the sport, but with nonviolent communication skills learns through the process of embodying nonviolence I am perfecting the techniques everyday.

After a week of routine meditation, through nonviolent practices noticed that I have grown farther away from meats, naturally. Consuming less meat was not a problem for me because for the first 6years of my life, I was a vegan. My family and I slowly began to transition from vegan to vegetarian, and soon after unfortunately, with our busy schedules could not afford to keep up with the diet. By logging back into to that during this personal project I have noticed that my diet has become a lot healthier. I began to eat more leafy things, spinach and greens and for a snack I would find my self eating an orange or apple. I am a lot more awake throughout the day. I think that anyone can benefit from doing this once in their life because it is a learning experience. You learn how to handle situations differently due to the information you know about nonviolent techniques. Knowledge is power! With the projects coming to an end, I plan on continuing these practices going forward with the seasons here at Lafayette College. I am not trying to leave here with a couple of wins. I did not come here for that, and it needs to change. Nonviolently.


Nonviolent Communication Personal Project #3

As the season came to a close, I began to think about the project in a different light. I continued with my conversations with people on the team in hopes of better communication by being on the same page. While I think the team is coming along better with communication, I figured the project should shift more internally and personally. I adopted meditating as my nonviolence tool to achieve.

I remember meditating in middle school and rarely in high school. With and busy schedule, I found the time to meditate 45 minutes before I go to bed. For 20 of those minutes I would sit still listening to my breath, my mind in thought. I would think about nonviolence and all the ways it can help us navigate life positively. With the season sending the way that it did, frustration surely built up inside and I found meditating as a way of relaxing and clearing my mind. Instead of verbally communicating something, that might have been taken negatively, I would reframe from saying them. I would then meditate.

My mind naturally drifted to those instances and because I did that, I had better night sleeps. Waking up after meditating is mind refreshing, and I would not have discovered it without this project. Going into off season workouts, I will incorporate both nonviolent communication skills and meditation techniques to further promote nonviolence.

Communication Project Phase 1, Entry 2

During the past couple of weeks I have been communicating with people on the team on an individual level to learn more about those around me. Not only have I had conversations with teammates, but coaches as well. I expressed to them where I come from and continued to learn more about where they come from in the hopes that we can all build and grow from one another.  While I have not had a chance yet  to have conversations with every single last person on the team, I plan on doing so before the end of the season. I have realized that this project is going to be In the works for quite some time, and I am looking forward to people seeing the fruits of my labor in the coming months.  My original plan was to communicate with those on the team to spread a message that would in hopes change the culture and direction  of our program. After starting this project, we earned our first victory, but one is not enough for me, there is more work to be done.  In thought, I would lead by example, meaning actions on the football field that are conducive to a winning or failing season, but unfortunately tore my hamstring leaving me out for a couple of months. Instead of this stopping the project, I have adjusted my aim for the time being.

While I sit out watching, I will continue to get to know those on the team and gain their trust by creating something that is unique to each person. That might be a handshake, a saying, or something silly that only we do. These are only a few examples. For those who I have already come up and started this with, there has been a difference in our interactions on and off the field.  Regardless of how this season ends, the true test comes in the winter, when our workouts start and we begin to spend more time with one another with nothing on the line (a game).  By then, entire team conversations about the direction of the program will be addressed and implemented. For now, I will continue to impact one person at a time through communicating “non violently”.


Communication Personal Project

Within a team, there can be unspoken conflicts. Problems that persist and never are addressed. Those can are detrimental to a team’s overall success and achieving their goal. As a first year member of the Lafayette Football team, Im ignorant to the previous seasons history and past relationship on the team. I cannot control what has happened in the past, but I can attempt to protect and create what happens in the future. With a championship, the end goal in mind, our journey is just now beginning.  


Our team is lacking in the relationships category. Whenever going into something large like war or sporting event like football, it is important to understand who you are going to battle with. Much like my beliefs for achieving non-violence worldwide, the focus of my personal project is to personally get to know more and more of my teammates on more than a name bases. This would hopefully encourage others to do the same thing, starting the bond needed for a championship winning season.  Past teams that I have been apart of had unbreakable bonds, so I know that this is possible. Winning championships are not easy and is not possible without a bond over the love of the sport or whatever is on the line. People naturally make friends over a common enemy, but as to what extent the “friendship” actually goes depends on the amount you know about a person.

My Personal Project will be to make a relationship with all of my by learning an interesting fact about them, or learning more about why they do what they do. And in exchange offering something important about me. The thing can be as simple as a song, or as complicated as a story from when they were younger. Without knowing teammates there is no feeling behind going out to play the sport together. Especially while playing a rather violent sport, teammates must trust that their teammate has their backs. Trust develops over  time spent getting to know someone. Understanding why someone does what they do It only takes time and an effort.