Over the past couple weeks I have been working on gathering vegetarian recipes. I find this to be a very enjoyable way to encourage vegetarianism because I love to cook. My friends and family know this about me and like to have conversations about what I have been cooking recently. I am also finding that it can be helpful to share nutritious and delicious vegetarian recipes. People can try making the recipes and be aware that they are eating a vegetarian meal.
I sent the recipe links to a couple family members and friends by email. I have not heard back from any of them yet. I think I will call some friends and family this week to talk about vegetarianism and ask if they are interested in trying a couple recipes.
Eating vegetarian has been difficult for me at points because I am a division I track athlete. Some days I am working out for three hours straight. I sometimes want to eat meat to make sure I am getting enough protein after really hard workout days. I know that eating too many eggs is unhealthy and many alternate proteins for vegetarians contain gluten which I cannot eat. Therefore, on the occasion of a difficult workout day, I have had a little meat just to be precautionary for my health. My thought process is that reducing my intake of meat from once a day seven days a week to once a day two or three days a week still helps. If everyone ate meat only a couple times a week, there would be fewer animals raised for meat.
I look forward to trying to persuade friends and family to try eating meat only a few times a week. I hope that the recipes I share help them in reducing meat consumption by providing a set of instructions.
Here are some of the recipes I shared with friends and family.
The Cooks at Stone Pier Press. 2018. “Easy Quinoa Burgers.” Accessed November 4, 2018. https://www.stonepierpress.org/recipes/easy-quinoa-burgers
Schaefer, Rebecca. 2018. “Garlic Green Beans.” Accessed November 4, 2018. https://www.stonepierpress.org/recipes/garlicgreenbeans
The Cooks at Stone Pier Press. 2017. “Vegan Asparagus Lemon Risotto.” Accessed November 4, 2018. https://www.stonepierpress.org/recipes/asparagus-lemon-risotto
The Cooks at Stone Pier Press. 2018. “Baked Sweet Potatoes with Chili Lentils.” Accessed November 4, 2018. https://www.stonepierpress.org/recipes/baked-sweet-potatoes-with-chili-lentils
Hi, Kristen.
I think that spreading vegetarianism by sharing recipes for it is actually a genius way to advocate for something that a lot of people are reluctant to consider. I’ve considered being a vegetarian for a long time, but I know it’s a massive commitment and I want to make sure I’m at a point where I can actually commit to it, but your project is something that impresses me and makes it even harder for me to make excuses for not going vegetarian.