My decision to become vegetarian has come as a surprise for much of my family and friends which has helped me initiate conversations about my choice to be vegetarian specifically for moral reasons. Much of the shock stems from being an athlete and people are surprised that an athlete would sacrifice the protein in meat. I have not found it too difficult to get enough protein as I have been eating eggs, peanut butter, tofu, fish, and yogurt, but this shock helps me initiate conversations. One morning I was sitting in the dining hall and I began a conversation with a friend about being vegetarian. His response was how is this helpful? You kill plants when you eat them too. This is technically a logical fallacy because it takes the argument to the extreme. It would be harmful to oneself not to eat anything. By not eating meat, I am protesting the poor conditions in which animals are raised.
Additionally, I discussed conditions that animals are raised in with my mom. We talked about a local slaughterhouse and how a cow escaped the slaughterhouse and found its way to a peace abbey and the peace abbey kept it.
I did have one slip in my diet during family weekend. I went out to dinner with my family during family weekend and I was splitting a meal with my sister and completely forgot that I was eating vegetarian and ended up eating steak. It is not the easiest transition, but when I think about the conditions that animals are often raised in I am convinced to continue.
I look forward to continuing to have conversations with friends and family about vegetarianism. I learn from their point of view just as they can learn from mine.
example of one of my meals, tuna salad and yogurt as proteins.
Kristen, I’m glad that you’ve been able to converse with others about why you’ve chosen to be a vegetarian, as it makes others aware of the inhumane treatment of animals in industrial farms and shows them ways to protest it. Moreover, the comment you made on how a vegetarian diet can be protein sufficient addresses the strongest argument supporting meat consumption. You also mention how your transition into this new diet has been difficult, I believe that if you elaborate on this point you could inform potential vegetarians of the struggles they may face and could inspire others to join your cause.