Vegetarian Personal Project #1

Vegetarianism is viewed in the United States as an alternative lifestyle that contradicts many of our societal norms and practices. This is largely based on the Judeo-Christian values that are deeply embedded in Western society. In Genesis 1:26, it says “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Despite numerous decades of advocacy by animal rights campaigns and for the fair treatment of the environment, these meat eating societal tendencies prevail due to the virtually unanimous understanding and acceptance that man is superior to all other beings.

Many Eastern cultures, such as that of Buddhism in South East Asia, or Hinduism in Central Asia teach that vegetarianism and veganism are integral practices in one’s spiritual  journey towards reaching enlightenment. Largely based on the respect for all other sentient beings, Eastern traditions suggest that pursuing a plant-based diet allows one to step out of their human-centric mindset, encouraging them to see the world and its other inhabitants as no lesser than one’s self. This is also related to the belief that all souls are of equal value, regardless of the bodily form that they possess.

This past summer, I adopted the practice of vegetarianism after wanting to have done so for the past several years. My personal motive for this choice stems from my deeply held belief that we humans have the moral obligation to treat all other animals with dignity and respect. This means not using animal products and a means to our end by justifying that we have the right to do whatever we please as a result of our evolutionary superiority. So far, I have found this practice to be spiritually fulfilling, and it has not drastically inconvenienced my daily life in a significant way. I believe that it will help me increase my mindfulness, and, furthermore, that this practice will help me to better understand my place as a human in relation to the world as a whole.

1 Comment

  1. Lindie Gibbs

    One aspect of this entry that I really liked was the history and background of the practice of vegetarianism throughout the world. It really drew me in, and made me think about the small choices I can make each day that can affect my emotional and physical well being. I also like how you included the personal history behind your choice, it made the entry as a whole feel more relatable. One thing that I would like to know more of is the psychological benefits of practicing a vegetarian diet?

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