The origin of the nonviolent practice of mandala making comes from both Hindu and Buddhist traditions, in which the word, mandala, means “circle.” However, looking at a more expansive definition, the word signifies “universe” or “world.”
The practice of mandala making has been around for centuries and has been a way of reflecting one’s inner spirit through art. Each mandala created possesses one’s interpretation of how they view the universe and their connection between the world we all live in and themselves. Though mandalas hold this universal definition, the true meaning of each mandala is dependent upon the creator or artist, making every mandala unique to one another. While the task of mandala making is a form of mediation, the practice also encourages the creator to take time to explore their mind and inner thoughts.
I chose to invest my time in mandala making for my personal project because I am looking to experience both that feeling of relaxation and self exploration. In the past, I have found myself frequently tapping into my artistic side for enjoyment, however as time has passed I have had less opportunities to allot time to do such artistic activities. Though I have never created a mandala before, being a practice of art, I am hoping that this project will allow me to take time out of my day to focus on something that I truly enjoy. I hope to experiment with the art of mandala making through incorporating my own personal spin on the practice, while also exploring the traditional aspects of the art. I am excited to actively devote my time to practice non-violence and hope to gain a positive experience from mandala making.
Hey Jordan, I love the idea of Mandala making for your personal project. I would even suggest that maybe within your friend group make some together and talk about what they mean to each other. I believe that we can learn a lot about each other by paying attention to how we choose to express ourselves through clothes, etc. but also through Art. This is a good bonding activity because once you know something about the creator, it is not forgotten within the group of people.