
Below are links to some websites whose content is relevant to our course topic and may be useful/of interest to you in completing the writing assignments for this course.

American Kennel Club (AKC).

Animal Studies Repository
An open access collection of academic, archival, and assorted other materials related to various disciplines within the fields of animal studies and animal welfare science.

American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior. The AVSAB position statements on “dominance” and “punishment” provide a good overview of the controversies surrounding these issues.

Animals and Society Institute Videos.  Explanations of key terms and concepts in Animal Studies.

The Art and Science of Animal Behavior. Official website of the late veterinarian and Animal Behaviorist Dr. Sophia Yin. Includes guest blog posts by dog experts and resources on animal behavior.

Audacity:  Audio-editing software we will use for the final project.

The Bark Magazine. Popular articles on dog culture and sometimes dog science. (Skillman Library also subscribes to this publication.)

Dog Star Daily. Veterinarian and Animal Behaviorist Ian Dunbar’s website. Includes articles, blog posts and videos on dog behavior by Dunbar and other trainers.

Dog Spies: The Science Behind Dogs and the Dog-Human Relationship.

Dogs of Lafayette An ongoing project by FYS 77 students exploring human-dog relationships in the Lafayette community.

Duke Canine Cognition Center. Dedicated to the study of dog psychology.

EONS on PBS.  Short, educational videos on the history of life.

Family Dog Project. Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.

Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab.

iSpeakDog  Great resource on dog body language.

Kikopup Channel on YouTube. “Progressive reinforcement” dog training videos by Emily Larlham (videos are also available on her website, Dogmantics Dog Training.) Larlham’s videos are good examples of what positive, “dog-friendly,” science-based dog training looks like.

Nietz and Wegrzynowicz, “Campus Canines” 2019 Lafayette Magazine article about some of the dogs on Lafayette’s campus.  You might recognize a few of them!

Pedigree Dogs Exposed–The Blog. Official website of Jemima Harrison, who directed the documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed which we will be watching this semester.

The Other End of the Leash. Applied animal behaviorist Dr. Patricia McConnell blogs about the behavior of people and dogs. Her website also includes links to some of her other writing and videos.

Science Daily. Breaking science news. Includes full citations to peer-reviewed articles. Collection of scientific, medical and medical journals published by Elsevier. You can access articles on this site through the Skillman Library website.

The Science Dog Dog trainer, canine nutritionist and science writer Linda Case blogs about a range of topics in dog science.

Silent Conversations:  Insights into Canine Communiation.  Great resource, in addition to your Handelman book, on dog body language.

Society for the Promotion of Applied Research in Canine Science (SPARCS).   Promototing research and education in canine science.  Check out their video library for interviews with dog experts and lectures on a wide range of topics.