Fourth Hour

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All FYS courses include  a forth hour for course-related activities, or for co-curricular events that provide fresh perspectives and new ways of thinking about questions raised by the course material.  We’ll use our fourth hour most weeks (but not every week).  I will also post reminders on Moodle as the dates approach.  If your academic schedule creates conflicts for any 4th hour events, please let me know asap.

Here are the events we have scheduled so far.  I am waiting to confirm dates for a few others, and I will post them here and on Moodle as soon as I get the information.

Sept 4-6 WA conferences.

Sept 18-22 Dog walks.

Sept 25-27 Conferences with me on midterm essay drafts.

Oct 2-6 WA conferences on midterm essay revisions.

Oct 16-20 Faculty and staff interviews

Oct 30-Nov 3 Conferences with me on transcript drafts

Nov 13-20 WA conferences on revised transcripts.

Nov 27-1 Conferences with me on revised transcripts.

Dec 4-8 WA conferences on final reflection essays.


Not yet scheduled:

Visit to Lakota Wolf Preserve.  Take this poll to indicate your availability.