Capstone Struggles Are Real

Over the weekend, I tried to film myself running…and as we all know this was a complete fail! I am brainstorming new ideas on how to make this possible (thank you to those who have already come up with ideas). I had one of those frustrating Capstone breakdowns, and definitely wished I had someone in the class to help at that moment. That’s why I think we should post on the blog our questions for instant feedback instead of waiting for class on Monday or Wednesday.

I know there will be many more frustrating moments to come- and sorry to say they will happen to most of you too! So here goes my first struggle blog post.

I am trying to shoot a close up shot of myself running from different angles which is really hard to do in motion. Does anyone have ideas on how to make this shot possible? Matt said to film from a slow moving car, and Megan suggested using the glider equipment. Any other suggestions?

2 thoughts on “Capstone Struggles Are Real

  1. I would suggest you get a car, a driver and also a cameraman inside the car for the running scene. You can film inside the car. I feel other equipment are too slow for running. That’s basically how I did running shots for my projects.

  2. Hey Carly,
    If you can get a good lense on a camera that can shoot in pretty good quality, set it to the max, and arrange the camera in a way to get a wide shot of yourself running from one side of the frame to the other. If you set the camera at the right height, when you go into post-pro, you can zoom in on yourself in the clip and emulate a tracking/panning shot of you running by just keyframing the shot to move so that you maintain being the subject in the shot. Hope that helps!

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