
Trying to survive college while maintaining a part-time job and social life isn’t easy for anyone, especially for Margot Queensly and her cartoonish perception of reality.

For my Capstone project I will be continuing a project from my Writing for Television class last semester. I will be finishing four episodes of a TV show titled, “Distortion”. Distortion is the story of Margot Queensly (19) a pleasantly social girl who, while dealing with the stress of being away from home for the first time in her life and continually feeling alone has developed a huge issue with anxiety and reality.

Each episode will be around 30 pages long as it is more of a sitcom, with a dramatic twist. I will be writing the pilot episode and three other episodes titled, Rat you out, The Green Monster, and New Dog Old Tricks. I will come into the semester with each of these episodes already written, and will spend the semester editing them and polishing them to the point where I feel they might be complete.

As I already have a good idea of what I am going to write for each episode, and have already finished writing some of them, I think that my biggest challenge will be in the editing process and in deciding what I want to change. I also think that finding a point where I think the project is done will also be a challenge. I’m looking forward to writing these episodes and seeing where this class takes them.

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