Welcome to FAMS 420

Please post your capstone project idea here.

I would encourage each of you to give and solicit feedback for your work.


2 thoughts on “Welcome to FAMS 420

  1. In Making Media 1, I shot an interview with my grandfather- and it was very special to me. I always loved listening to his stories, and learning from him whenever we were together. He passed away last summer, and I miss hearing his stories and words of wisdom. I thought that volunteering at The Easton Home this fall would help me fill the void of missing my grandfather, and then came the idea for my Capstone. I would like to make a documentary focusing on the people living in The Easton Home or any other senior living center in the area. My tentative title is, “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know: Words From the Wiser”. I would compile many stories from seniors living there and tie it back to myself with a personal twist on my grandfather.

    This is still a very tentative idea. I like the idea of meeting new people, hearing their story, and learning something from them. I could always broaden the age, but I think narrowing the type of person I want to focus on would be more successful. I would love comments and suggestions on how to make this capstone idea better! Thanks.

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