Feeling Unwelcome in Nature


A funny thing happened last week; I was sampling on the Bushkill for some research, wearing my clumsy waders and toting my cumbersome field equipment along the bank, when I stumbled upon a gaggle of geese. Who knew geese could give you such a brutal stare down. As I emerged from behind some trees I could feel their merciless, death stares as they saw the culprit of the disruption of their peaceful dip. I hesitantly approached my sampling spot fearing these birds would rather greet me with a painful snap of the bill than with a friendly hello. In class we have discussed a couple of times whether or not we think humans have a place in nature or not and if we can find our place in nature. Cronon addresses this as well in our most recent reading. I believe that we can, but for a brief moment during this interaction with the geese I felt very very unwelcome in nature and like I was too “human” to belong in a place like this. I wonder if anyone else in class has had an experience in nature when they felt very unwelcome too?

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