Washed Away

Global warming may be an issue for all of America, but it’s happening twice as fast in the Alaskan Arctic. President Obama is on a historic mission this week to highlight climate change in Alaska

An issue that is getting much less attention than the official changing of the name of Mt. Denali, is the possible relocation of the native people of an arctic village who’s home is melting away every day.

Shishmaref is a three square miles island on the state’s western edge and just 20 miles from the Arctic Circle. It is a collection of more than two-dozen villages that are washing into the ever-rising sea, making their residents the nation’s first real climate change refugees.

This Article from NBC highlights the costs that would be associated with relocating the refugees. The government estimates it would cost $300,000 a resident to relocate each villager — if they even can find a suitable inland site. There are just under 600 residents.

As the water continues to rise and homes are lost to the arctic sea, the federal government must decide how much they are willing to pay to preserve Alaska’s costal islands.


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