Stupid, Annoying Nature

I love being outside. Going out and playing spikeball or frisbee on the quad is an ideal excursion from my dorm. The tail end of summer makes for beautiful afternoons to enjoy before it gets cold out. However, nature just makes it annoying and hard to enjoy this sometimes.

For instance, this past week my friends and I went to go play spikeball on the quad and our mouths and ears were quickly filled with gnats buzzing all around. We could not stand still for more than five seconds without being swarmed. While we would normally hang out for at least an hour or two (schoolwork permitting) however these gnats quickly cut it down to maybe twenty minutes.

Nature is a beautiful thing with plenty of sights to see and experiences to enjoy. However, it can just be so annoying sometimes. Mosquitoes and gnats just come to ruin the fun. A perfectly good hike can instantly turn sour when these bugs come out to play.

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