Reaction to Koyaanisqatsi

This was definitely a very different film than I am used to seeing. The part that stood out to me the most was the musical score. Even as I am writing this, I have the lyrics, deep and slow of “Koyaanisqatsi” echoing through my head. The score certainly added a lot to the film. Images within the film without the soundtrack would have had a very different effect and probably would not portray the message as effectively. As a whole, I was not the biggest fan of the film. I have a short attention span and changing images and music was not enough to keep me engaged throughout the entire hour and a half. I can definitely see why this film has a cult-like following but at  this point I cannot count myself among those people.

First, I think the message of the film is very clearly stated by the title, Koyaanisqatsi, translating to “life out of balance.” The film maker did a very effective job of juxtaposing incredibly scenic and impressive landscape shots with daily scenes within human life. I think the landscapes which showed vast landscapes really contrasted with the shots of human activity which typically showed either lots of quick, repetitive motion or tightly compacted areas. One comparison that really stuck out to me was the factory line producing hot dogs, which then shortly after cut to people filing up escalators. While it is not explicitly said, which is part of the beauty of this piece, the two are being compared the similarities, while laughable, are remarkably the same.

I think a major part of this film is the feeling you get while watching it. Even though I did not  particularly care for this film, the combination of music and images constantly put me on edge and feel a little bit anxious. When paired with the translation of the title, the film really brings to life the idea of humans acting out of balance with nature and the continuation of these actions may lead to disaster, a point that was really emphasized for me with one of the final scenes of the exploding rocket.

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