Reacting to the Imbalance

I actually really enjoyed the film. It started out slow and my mindset was looking at it as just an assignment, but then as it went on, I found myself more and more entranced by the scenery and music. The best word I can use to describe it is mesmerizing. The music was the most responsible for this. Laid on top of the flashing images, I found myself unable to look away and scrambling to type down some notes once the scene changed and I was released from its spell. The shots that were displayed were also so complex that I never felt bored or not engaged despite the lack of words. My eyes were too busy flicking from scene to scene to notice the lack of words. It always amazed me how powerful a message films like these can send simply with a musical score, video, and no dialogue or text. Granted this is not a film I would have ever watched on my own, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it in class and it was one of the better required films I have had to watch.

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