Row, Row, Row Your Boat

After now kayaking on both rivers and lakes, I can safely say that yesterday’s kayaking experience was one of the best I have had. Having a constantly changing environment was much more interesting and engaging. It also allowed us to interact with our natural surroundings much more than most activities.

For instance, Teri and I challenged ourselves to navigate through the most challenging parts of the river. Although the Delaware River is by no means a white water rapid, it did have some fun parts. For instance, we aimed for the biggest rapids and zipped in and out of large rocks that protruded from the water.

Having the freedom and time to just explore all the different parts that we wanted to really added to the experience. Wandering away from the group let us get lost (to an extent) on the river and seek out the paths less traveled. We saw a variety of wildlife (including Bambi on an island) and rustic signs of humans on some islands like some abandoned fire pits.

Although we did not witness anything which we had never seen before, these everyday things had a different feel to them through the lens of being on the river. There is something different once you are on the water and floating along with Mother Nature. Maybe it is the slow pace or the connection with the water (I am looking at you Eiseley), but this was one of my favorite memories of the year so far.

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