Monkey Brain?!?

Osage Orange

Today Maggie and I were walking up the hill from the media workshop when I saw something I see about once a year on campus. I saw it and exclaimed “Look a monkey brain!”. Maggie had never heard of “Monkey Brains” and had never seen one before; I had come to know these large, lumpy, green fruits by that name as a child. We spent our way up talking about them and trying to find some broken ones to look into. However, while we were talking I realized every time I find one of these at school and call it a “Monkey Brain”, no one has any idea what I mean. So today I learned the official name of this strange thing–the Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera). Be on the lookout for these cool, curious fruits in our Lafayette backyard!

For some more information on the Osage Orange:

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