If only I had a plastic bag…

Today at 8 PM I was walking down to the gym and happened to look down. Almost camouflaged into the gravel was a dead bird. After hearing Professor Brandes talk about this in class and after showing my ,somewhat horrifying, video of a bird flying into a window for GORP I had finally seen it in real life. I have no idea what kind of bird this is but I’m assuming its a Hummingbird because those are most often the ones that fly into our windows? And I am assuming that this window at Kirby Sports Center is the culprit. IMG_6072IMG_6071After seeing this in real life it really stuck with me how awful this trend is. This seems like something that we can really fix, who cares about our campus architecture?!? There are birds dying out their because of our selfish actions!!!

If only I had a plastic bag handy I could have brought this victim into class and shown us all that this problem is real and just how horrific it is.




One thought on “If only I had a plastic bag…

  1. Send me a larger picture! Doesnt look like a hummingbird.

    So Kirby Gym is one of the three worst offenders for bird kills: Hugel, Skillman, and Kirby. But we now have an action plan! I’ll talk about it in class – remind me if I forget

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