Nature Over Time in the Catskills

Seeing the same bit of nature at different times can be such an interesting experience. Over years, over seasons, and even over just the course of one day, a nature scene can change so much. The change in the nature of our trail that I observed over the course of our hike was fascinating, and showed me how dynamic nature can be.

Starting up the trail in the morning the trail seemed so quiet with the exception of some fellow hikers and their canine companions. About thirty minutes into the hike I realized just how quiet it was. I had not yet heard the call of a bird, the leaf-rustling of a chipmunk, or even the buzz of an insect. I continued to notice there were very few sounds to be heard besides the noise of our steps, conversation, and the rustling of leaves in the wind.

However, upon our return back down the trail I noticed the forest seemed to come alive. The forest was bustling with chipmunks scurrying back and forth, more birds were to be heard, and for the first time ever I heard a chirping squirrel? Yes this hike was a hike of firsts, not only because I had never been on the trail, but because I had never heard a chirping squirrel.

It was interesting to see the activity of the forest change. To see if go from a place of quiet filled with dormant life when we started out, to one full of various noises from the active and awakened life along our return.

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