A Human Collision or Missed Opportunity

The other day after my 1:15 class let out, I was checking my phone for texts and social media updates while walking away from the academic building. When I finally tore my eyes away from the little screen to dodge a human body walking towards me, I realized I had also just passed by one of my other professors, our very own Andy Smith. He was actually doing the same exact thing as I was, which was checking his phone for updates (I presume) while heading to his next destination.

This actually saddened me a bit. Not only did I miss an opportunity to say hello to my professor outside of the classroom environment, but both of us also weren’t doing what each other ‘promised’ to say we’d do.  We weren’t OBSERVING our campus in times like these; the five minutes outside between classes to take in the environment around us. So this brings us to the reading for today. We have an issue disconnecting from the norm of constant cellular device checking and constant responding. We lose those five minutes to an e-mail, or a scroll of Instagram, or texting. We lost that opportunity to make a human connection. We even lose our ability to walk straight down a sidewalk and with the high possibility of smacking right into someone (That’s uncomfortable). As the “Don’t Drink and Drive” commercials always say…

It can wait. Oh and pick your heads up, you don’t want to miss anything.

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