America’s Infatuation With Lawns

Should the grass always be greener on the other side… even if it’s in the desert? The piece “Why Mow?” highlights some of America’s obsession with lawns. I won’t lie, I love green grass as much as the next suburban resident, but I’ve never seen a green lawn as a necessity.

However, it seems as if most American’s crave a luscious, green lawn. Even here at Lafayette, we are constantly watering the quad to ensure its health and liveliness. In arid regions like California and Las Vegas, growing suburban neighborhoods are surrounded with unnatural green lawns, which require massive amounts of water that those communities can’t afford to waste. Is green grass really worth all of that water?

While the aesthetic of a green lawn is generally welcomed by the average American, its hard to justify wasteful practices to maintain a colorful space. Our obsession with grass begs the question… how far will we go to maintain our curbside appeal?

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