Koyaanisqatsi Impression

My first impression of Koyaanisqatsi was in the form of a sensory overload. I was so overwhelmed as the film panned over various sped up  and slowed down visuals. Additionally, the loud music that played in the background contributed to my sensory overload. After getting past all the fast and slow moving videos and the music, I was able to appreciate the visuals that the director chose to use. Every shot of the natural environment that was selected was stunning while nearly every shot of civilization was dreadful.

I think the point that the film was trying to make is that there is starting to become a defined line between humans and the natural world. What use to be two entities that coexisted, is now no longer. The title of the film highlights this phenomenon, “life out of balance” or “life disintegrating.” The film highlights some pressing issues like those associated with urbanization, industrialism, commercialism etc. One of the most memorable moments for me in the film is when you see the people all laying out on the beach and as the film zooms out you are able to see reality. The people are lying on a beach that is directly adjacent to what appears to be a factory, perhaps a power plant of some sort. Highlighting the ‘life out of balance’ phenomenon.

I think that art is potentially something that can save the world, and this is something that I would never of said a semester ago. Before the start of this semester and before I started to volunteer at the Nurture Nature Center, I wasn’t the biggest fan of art. I didn’t hate it but I didn’t appreciate it as much as I should have. Since I started going to the Nurture Nature Center on a weekly basis I am regularly exposed to local artist’s art and have seen art about a topic that I am passionate about, the environment. I have created more of an appreciation for it. What I have come away with at the near conclusion of the semester is that art is something that once you are able to interpret on your own, find meaning and find your own value in, it has a sort of strength and power that can move you. A power that excites you and makes you feel passionate. Art is something that has the ability to eventually become so powerful to a person that once you find value and meaning it can potentially move you, inspire and push you to ‘save the world’.

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