Bird with a death wish?

As I was driving back to Laf after a too-short Thanksgiving break, I saw a shocking scene. Driving through Connecticut, a bird of prey swooped down across the highway, into the traffic, hit a car and then flew off and tumbled to the side of the road. I was horrified by what I saw. I was all the way in the left lane and immediately thought to pull off the side of the road to try to save the bird in some way. However, by the time I would have been able to get through the cars, the bird would be very far behind me. As I drove on, I was overcome with an intense sense of guilt. I wish I had been able to stop, but what would I have been able to do? Try to usher it further from the road if it wasn’t already dead? I certainly wouldn’t have tried to pick it up. Although the bird had not flown into my car, I still felt a large sense of responsibility for the life and wellbeing of the creature. After that experience, I can only hope I never hit an animal because I am sure I will be mortified by the experience.

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