Pasage of interest

“I stepped into the field, and they all halted. They stopped short, drew up, and looked at me, every one. I stopped too, suddenly as self-conscious as if I were before a firing squad. What are you going to do? I looked over the field, at all those cocked heads and black eyes. I’m staying here. You all go on. I’m staying here.

A kind of northing is what I wish to accomplish, a single- minded trek towards that place where any shutter left open to the zenith at night will record the wheeling of all the sky’s stars as a pattern of perfect, concenuic circles. I seek a reduction, a shedding, a sloughing off.” (255) – Dillard

In this passage, Dillard writes with a similar tone as she did in Living Like Weasels. She speaks to the animals, as if she believes that she can communicate with them. Then, she expresses an interest to be more like the animals and less like a human. It is interesting that, in her writing, she makes a lot of connections with human society, yet she seems to express a desire to live more like wild animals.

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