Raking your leaves this fall?

The leaves we see piled along curbs or packed into bags in the winter are not so great for the environment. The freely piled leaves get into the sewage system and can cause algae and affect water quality, and those in bags end up in landfills. These articles suggest leaving leaves on lawns is beneficial for soil regeneration, food for animals during the winter months, and fertilization that occurs from leaf breakdown. Instead of raking and piling leaves they suggest “leave the leaves”, mulch the leaves, and/or compost them.


One thought on “Raking your leaves this fall?

  1. Great article!
    it reminded me of the practices that my hometown uses after Christmas time, when all of the trees and collected by the town so that they will be burned. Maybe there is a better use of the trees than simply to be burned, or perhaps this is the best way to deal with the overload of Christmas trees. It is esay to just rake your leaves or drag your tree to the curb after the holidays, but what happens afterwards is just as important as when you had an interaction with it as well! More than what meets the eye.

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