On Hunting

“‘You’re both talking rot,’ said Margot. ‘Just because you’ve chased some helpless animals in a motor car you talk like heroes'” (Hemingway 2025).

This passage reminded me of the discussion we had in class last week about hunting, especially the point that Owen made about his own family and how the people who continue to hunt are in it for the whole experience and not just for the killing part. This point neatly overlapped into the biology course I am currently taking. Last week we talked about commercial whale hunting and the moratorium that is currently in place. One of the exceptions to the moratorium is for indigenous people, such as the Inuits. They are allowed to continue hunting whales because they have low impact on the populations, but also because whales are a integral part of their culture. When they catch a whale, they use all of the whale and share it with their village, unlike commercial whaling which leaves a lot to waste.

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