Passages of Personal Interest

“But now, for the first time in its history, gardening has taken on a role that transcends the needs of the gardener. Like it or not, gardeners have become important players in the management of our nation’s wildlife. It is now within the power of individual gardeners to do something that we all dream of doing: to “make a difference.” In this case, the “difference” will be to the future of biodiversity, to the native plants and animals of North America and the ecosystems that sustain them” (Tallamy, 9).

The phrase “make a difference” made this passage stand out to me during the reading because of the upcoming Make a Difference Day community service event. As part of my MOSAIC Staff position, I also collaborate with a group to lead campus wide events, which includes planning Make a Difference Day. It has been a very exciting experience to see it all come together, as the event is this weekend (unfortunately I cannot actually be there to see all the hard work come to fruition because it conflicts with the hiking trip). This passage acknowledges the power that a few people, such as gardeners, can have to make a difference, which relates to the event where volunteers will work at numerous gardens throughout the area.

“Native plants are well adapted to their particular ecological niche and so are often far less difficult to grow than species from other altitudes, latitudes, and habitats. After all, these plants evolved here and were growing just fine long before we laid our heavy hands on the landscape” (Tallamy, 10).

This passage stood out because its discussion of native plants reminded me of the efforts that went into the pollinator garden to ensure its sustainable nature. Emily (the other garden coordinator) and I researched plants that were both sustainable in terms of supporting pollinators and encouraging native growth. The garden can be used as an example to other schools or groups that it is very much possible to create a sustainable, native garden.


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