A passage to note

“Olmstead was convinced that the “contemplation of natural scent of an impressive character” had asking beneficial physical, mental and moral effects, particularly if it occurred “in connection with relief from ordinary cares, change of air and change of habitats””. (Spirn 93)

I found this passage intriguing because of how true I think that it is. There is something about getting outside that really calms me, and I think a lot of us, down. It takes us out of our heads and focused on something else. Spirn goes on to say in the same paragraph that the mind is occupied without purpose when in nature. But I think that today there are a lot of activities have the same effect. It can be said that watching T.V. or playing a video game occupies our brains without purpose too and can distract us from the stresses of life. So what is it that makes the two types of activities different if they have the same effects on our brains?

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