Mt. Trashmore Park


I had heard about Mt. Trashmore in my Environmental Engineering Classes and on my way back from vacation this morning I spotted a sign for it on the side of the highway. We got off the highway and entered the park. It was a huge park and full of a lot more people than I expected on an early tuesday morning. People were climbing to the top while others jogged around. My mom and I walked about 1/4 of the way around it before we turned around to head back to the car. It seems to be a semi-hidden fact that this used to be a landfill. There are no signs that indicate a history of the site and I wonder if people are just ignorant of the naming or they just don’t really care.

The park was created in 1974 and is an example of landfill reuse as its creation consisted of the conversion of an abandoned landfill into a park.


2 thoughts on “Mt. Trashmore Park

  1. That’s an interesting use of a landfill! It reminds me of a community garden in my hometown that used to be a dump. When I helped my mom garden when I was younger, we would often come upon bits of refuse, remnants from the days when people dumped their trash there.

  2. That’s an interesting use of a landfill! It reminds me of a community garden in my hometown that used to be a dump. When I helped my mom garden when I was younger, we would often come upon bits of refuse, remnants from the days when people dumped their trash there.

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