Fall Break

I asked most everyone I saw when they returned from fall break, “how was your break?” The general response was “great” followed by some details of how there was not much movement from the persons couch or bed or house and a lot of tv time. I was struck by this because I pretty much did the same thing over my fall break, and then the few times that I chose to leave the house (mainly for the necessity of food), I was shocked to find how beautiful of a day it was outside. Probably the nicest and most relaxing part of my break was not when I was binge watching netflix, but the 2 hours I spent on the quad, soaking in the sun and tossing around a football with friends. I think our generation has moved to a point where relaxation is viewed as the choice of minimal physical movement and brain work. But while that may be “relaxing” is it really replenishing? Are we really getting a break when we do that?

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