Fourth Site Visit- Bethany, Erik, and Tessa

On our fourth site visit we noticed the leaves had started to shift colors more obviously on our walk to the site. We passed the construction site on 611 where no progress ever seems to be made and over the Bushkill as we do every week.


We did not encounter the Homeless Person we usually see changing his shirt by the sign at 2:30 pm because we did not get there until 3:00 pm. Instead we were greeted on the path down to where the Delaware meets the Bushkill by a heavy-set man and his slender friend. They were both sopping wet and wore neutral colored clothing, they had beards and shaggy hair but they approached us in a friendly matter. “Getting the last swim in of the season,” the heavier man said in response to his moist appearance. He explained to us that it was quite beautiful on the other side once you pass the “Hobo hideaway.” We smiled and headed down the path; the more we come here, the more it changes.


The water level had risen significantly from the last time we had been there. A basketball floated in the water, stuck between the currents of the Bushkill and the Delaware. There was a significant increase in litter since the first time we had come here four weeks ago.

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On the Delaware we observed our first look at some wildlife, some visitors from north of the border. Canadian Geese were floating in the Delaware about 200 yards upstream. I have never seen geese float on a river, I am used to see them in ponds and in big open fields as they migrate.


Over the past four weeks we have become braver in approaching the Homeless person’s dwelling. This afternoon, we were quite startled by what we discovered. There were skull face targets shot with paint guns lying out to dry. There was also a comforter lying on rocks. We wonder if the homeless person who lives here will stay here all winter, It is much to exposed to the elements for anyone to survive.

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One thought on “Fourth Site Visit- Bethany, Erik, and Tessa

  1. I wonder if you guys want to take a kayak down the last stretch of the Bushkill into the Delaware and film it as you go…on a nice fall morning with mist coming off the water…

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