Inspiration from Dr. Shana Weber

The other day I had the opportunity to have a quick chat with Dr. Shana Weber and some students. Right before she walked into the meeting we were discussing how great it is that we have so many environmentally motivated clubs, but how much of a bummer it is when or events and activities overlap. We talked about how it feels like we are stepping on each others’ toes, and how nice it would be if things were planned out in a way to avoid this. As this discussion was coming to close Dr. Shana Weber came into the room and we had a great discussion about the prospect of a Sustainability Coordinator on our campus, and what this position could do to benefit the endeavors of our various clubs. One point of her discussion really spoke to the group of us, as it addressed this issue we had just been talking about. She talked about how her role also allows Princeton to coordinate all environmental efforts on campus. Rather than working on their missions separately they have been able to make their work coordinated efforts at Princeton, and her position also allows her to push the clubs to get more done together. They have a council that meets with her and they discuss progress, goals, and action so that no efforts conflict, but rather all synergize. Following this meeting we felt inspired by this, and decided to bring all the groups together into what we are calling the “Environmental Coalition” for now. Next week we are going to have our first meeting to work on the formation of the group similar to the Green Council Dr. Shana Weber introduced to us during the conversation. We are very excited to see how this will facilitate the environmental efforts of our groups on campus! Thank you for the inspiration Dr. Shana Weber!

One thought on “Inspiration from Dr. Shana Weber

  1. That sounds like an awesome idea, and this will also give the students of each environmental club to learn about the other’s too. There is a student here at Lafayette that has been trying to organize an online site that compiles all of Lafayette’s events so that we can attempt to attend as many as possible without neglecting other opportunities. Her name is Claire and she is a sophomore. I can’t wait to see the result of our Lafayette Green Council.

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