Technology and Nature

Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 1.04.27 PM

The above photo was on top of our guide for the camping trip this weekend. The second cartoon reminded me a lot of my experience climbing half dome. I spent four hours during the middle of the night climbing half dome by headlamp. When I finally reached the top the sun was beginning to rise, and the first thing I did was take out my phone. Because half dome is so high in elevation, it surprisingly gets perfect cell signal. I had known this before my hike, so had messaged the rest of my family who were in Cambodia telling them I would have service and the approximate time I would be up at the top. I immediately facetimed my family from around the world and talked to them and showed them the view and the sunrise. In some ways I think this ability is absolutely amazing. My family can be on a trip thousands of miles away and still experience what I experience and see what I see. I think it is an incredible use of technology. Yet on the other hand I felt slightly impure or off that my first move upon achieving an incredible accomplishment was to pull out my phone and document it. In such a pristine “wild” place it felt weird using technology.

One thought on “Technology and Nature

  1. Do you usually take pictures for your own documentation or for showing them to others? (via Instagram or snapchat or facetime) Say you don’t bring a camera on our camping trip, how do you suppose you’ll go about remembering that landscape or sunset or black bear? Do you think the camera forces us to stop short with nature and risk losing the long observation it deserves?

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