House Hunters: Delaware River Edition

My mom is an avid watcher of House Hunters and our TV at home rarely strays from Home and Garden TV Station (HGTV). She forwards me emails weekly of houses around our area in New Jersey because “it never hurts to look.” She has a platinum card to Pier One Imports and a box of decorations for every season change and holiday that she adorns throughout our home.

Needless to say, wherever I go, I look at houses. This includes going down the Delaware River. The majority of the homes here are on stilts, built up to protect them from flooding when the river rises. After Sandy, a large portion of the houses along the Delaware were swept away, but a lot of people chose to rebuild despite the risks.

A lot of things draw people towards the river. It’s peaceful, it’s nature, and it’s a chance to get away from society. When you live on the river, all your problems seem to flow away. None of the homes along the Delaware were mansions lined with white picket fences and flowery beds, but there is a certain thing that draws people to the water. Be it the beach, lakes, streams or rivers, the allure and magic of water appeals to people.

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