Why hasn’t anything been done yet?

 During the first class on our ‘ramble’ at the second stop we talked about reflective glass on buildings and how buildings cause so many bird deaths. I was wondering at this time if there was a chemical in the bird’s eye that could discern between real and fake objects they’re flying towards, like maybe a glass coating on building’s windows? So I did a little searching and a simple solution was this…


It’s a film to put on windows that makes them visible to birds! (pretty cool right?) Any thoughts? Hesitations? Is this even an actual thing? There are other solutions to this awful problem, but this solution seemed most interesting to me.


2 thoughts on “Why hasn’t anything been done yet?

  1. This stop on our ‘ramble’ was the first time I really considered how much buildings could affect birds. I have previously thought about how wind farms can affect bird migration but for some reason buildings just never crossed my mind. Maybe its because buildings and their placement are more of a necessity than people think wind farms are. So because of that we are more inclined to second guess the placement of wind mills than we are to decide where to put a building?
    Either way, I hope that what Collid Escape has to offer is legit because it seems like a simple solution to me to fix this bird & building problem. Because I have a feeling that developers would not like to move their building sites just because of some birds.

  2. So here’s an idea – go to the next Sustainability meeting and make a 5-min pitch that we ought to buy some of this stuff and put it on some windows to see if it helps. See how much it costs first (per foot or whatever), always good to go in with all relevant info.

    PS this would be worth “activism” points…

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