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Harder than I Thought

Change is never easy, no matter what aspect of your life you are talking about.  Change is especially difficult when you’re talking …

Never loosing page 2 again

I’ve become one of those people who constantly has their computer on their lap and for me that’s not a bad thing. …

Improving My “Water Sense”

I’ve been paying close attention to three specific behaviors of mine (water bottle use, laundry machine use, and length of shower use) …

New Life- New Beginning

Making change in your life isn’t easy. Not many people like to go out of their way to change something in their …

Vampire Calculations

Since my challenge is a rather small, habitual change I have found it to be fairly difficult. When I wake up in …

More Sunlight, More Studying

The sun’s out, days are longer, and meetings and obligations are piling up. I’ve been as busy and as caffeinated as ever, …