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I am not alone

This last step of the sustainable behavior challenge has been my favorite. I really like how the WordPress site allows us to …

Change is Good!

The best most positive thing about changing my behavior this week was that I actually felt like I was progressing with my …

Not as easy as it seemed

Change is hard. And it’s easy to get discouraged when you try and don’t get the results you were hoping for. But the …

No More Empty Bottles!

This sustainable behavior change has been a struggle! Mainly due to the fact that i LOST by reusable water bottle. I was …

Saving Energy: A Myth?

Since deciding to change my sustainable behavior to unplugging my chargers, I have noticed a huge difference. I am increasingly aware of …

Challenge Accepted

I remember the summer preparing to head off to college and going to Bed Bath and Beyond and all of the other …

Ban the (Disposable) Bottle

Two weeks into the challenge and I’m feeling great about it. I’ve been able to use my refillable water bottle with great …

Soup Everywhere :(

Today I have been doing this no-plastic-bag thing for two weeks. I have learned some things online about the implications of not …